

What does it mean for a property to be legally settled? On the one hand, we know the owners and the rights that are attached to the property (e.g. usufruct), and the property is not encumbered by any encumbrances that would prevent it from being let.

A property needs to be looked after not only when it is occupied, but also when it is occupied by a number of taskswhen the property is vacant. Such tasks may include in particular those indicated in this article.

What should be included in the rental contract?

Obviously, the first thing to include in the tenancy agreement is the details of the parties and the property to be let. The details of the parties should include at least their name, mother's name, address, date and place of birth and address, as the other party will not be able to bring a lawsuit in the event of a dispute if these details are not provided.

Everyone wants to avoid the headache of a tenancy termination, right? That's exactly what an eviction notice does. But what exactly is it and why is it so important?

From a legal perspective, it is clear that in many cases in America, there is no fence made of sausage either. In our article, we focus on the most interesting regulations.

The most important document for the handover of the rental property to the tenant is the handover report.

Lakásbérleti szerződés esetén ma már bevett gyakorlat, hogy a bérleti szerződés megkötésekor, de legkésőbb az ingatlan birtokba adásakor a bérlőnek 1-2, néha 3 havi bérleti díj összegével megegyező mértékű kauciót kell fizetnie a bérbeadó részére. De mire is szolgál a kaució?

Although the concepts of rent and sublease are often confused in everyday language, in reality we mean different things by sublease in everyday language and in legal terms. We explain the difference between the two concepts.

Avoid the potential inconvenience of ending your tenancy!
